Thoughts & Cats

Simple life of Khaos

Recent posts

Dec 5, 2023
Streamlining the Multi-Monitor Setup on Archlinux with i3wm Background As a long-time user of Archlinux with i3wm, I’ve encountered a worrisome pitfall when expanding my workspace to include a second monitor, especially differing resolutions.The hurdle was the excessive size and blurriness of content on the smaller screen — issues that could wreck any multitasker’s flow. A xrandr command had been my initial workaround:…
Mar 11, 2023
The_glory The Glory This Korean TV show from Netflix tells a story of girl seeking revenge against her former high school classmates who tormented her. This conflict is a classic tale of the struggle between haves and have-nots. The wealthy and powerful individuals from upper class often use their resources to cause chaos and disrupt the lives of those from the lower class.…
Nov 19, 2022
About Goals Since working on the a new project, I have been worried about my self-value. I have been a programmer for 15+ years, and this is the first time working as a marketing man. The difference between a programmer and a marketing man is similar to an inventor and a businessman. I am not too fond of the money-first value system In my heart, so I always prefer a programming job when there is an option.…
Aug 9, 2022
舆论的力量 近些时候,经常会看到网上曝光一些个体事件,舆论口诛笔伐,最后战胜了个体,整个过程看似正义,细想却让人…
May 30, 2022
开始帮猫咪挤肛门缐 我们家有个主子,如厕之后总喜欢屁股拖地蹭来蹭去,把未释放n干净的生化武器弄的全家都是,有时候甚至还会…