Thoughts & Cats

Simple life of Khaos

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Apr 25, 2020
Docker_tips Network down Container could not access internet at all, maybe it’s the problem of bridge, and you can try the pill below: pkill docker iptables -t nat -F ifconfig docker0 down brctl delbr docker0 docker -d …
Apr 19, 2020
大萧条时期的中国 因为近期的疫情,接下来的经济发展一定是衰退的, 无论是短期的还是中长期, 很多人的观点包括达尼洛, 都认为…
Apr 18, 2020
Principal Next thing I’m looking for the next thing worth to put my time&money on, and there are two main principle: It should be on the big trending It should be at least a decade business …
Apr 9, 2020
Repeated_things Posts Why prioritized feature lists can be poisonous 之前 Google docs 的 PM 关于产品优先级的经验, 大家都知道优先级, 但往往会忽略不同项目之间的权重,…
Mar 31, 2020
Useful_sites Some usefule sites for researching startups: Owler: Owler is an American internet company headquartered in San Mateo, California. It crowdsources competitive insights[2] by providing news alerts, company profiles, and polls and allows members to follow, track, and research companies in real time. The company was founded in 2011 and has over 2.…