This Korean TV show from Netflix tells a story of girl seeking revenge against her former high school classmates who tormented her.
This conflict is a classic tale of the struggle between haves and have-nots. The wealthy and powerful individuals from upper class often use their resources to cause chaos and disrupt the lives of those from the lower class.
The protagonist of the show is one of the victims. Moreover, the first and most severe betrayal she experienced was from her own family, particularly her mother.After her mother betrayed her for money, she felt helpless and decided to change the mission of her life, fighting destiny and seeking revenge against the upper class in her own unique way.
“I already know I will never go to the heaven, so I will act like Santa and prepare for hell from now on.”
Her hope lies in the belief that one day those who tormented her will be punished in her own way.
Thankfully, she is not alone in her quest for justice. A man from the upper class who loves her and also seeks a revenge for his father’s murder helps her a lot. He comes from a family of doctors, and his father was killed by a man who was saved by his father in the past, but the killer was not sentenced to death. He is seeking revenge too.
Both of them seek justice that can’t be obtain from society.They develop a plan, just like the game of chess, that is long-term in order to achieve their desired outcome, and they did it.
What impressed me most are: